
Conversations on First-Year Student Success

Each semester, OEP partners with faculty, staff, and students to present Conversations on First-Year Student Success, a forum for faculty and staff to discuss issues that shape first-year students at IU Bloomington. This programmatic series aims to facilitate candid conversations about relevant first-year student topics through the collective knowledge and experiences of faculty and staff participants.

Whether your schedule permits you to attend one session or many, we look forward to facilitating dialogue that will strengthen our collective ability to understand and serve first-year students effectively.

Upcoming Conversations

What's Up With Transfer Students

Wednesday, March 5 │ 3:30–4:30 p.m.

Students transfer to our campus from a variety of institutions: Other IU campuses, community colleges, in-state, out-of-state, and even international. They come from 4-year, 2-year, public, and private schools and bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Learn about their challenges and some of the programs and resources built to support their experience.

Presenters: Shauna Melvin, Undergraduate Academic Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences; Kelly Waggoner, Senior Associate Director, Admissions; and Bailey Moss, Associate Director, Admissions and Hoosier Link Coordinator

Sign up for March 5