SECTION 1. The name of the Organization shall be Tau Sigma National Honor Society. Will be referred to as Tau Sigma through this Constitution.
SECTION 2. The emblem of the Organization shall be three strands of gold wheat with the Greek letters, Tau Sigma, superimposed thereon.
SECTION 3. The shield, which shall appear on the charter and the certificate, shall be burgundy with a gold border, with the emblem within. Below the shield is a banner with the words Tau Sigma inscribed within.
SECTION 4. The colors shall be burgundy and gold.
SECTION 5. The insignia cloth of the Organization shall be burgundy with gold fringe and shall bear the Greek letters, Tau Sigma.
SECTION 1. Tau Sigma shall recognize the academic excellence of students transferring to Indiana University from another academic institution.
SECTION 2. Tau Sigma shall encourage and promote the students’ involvement at Indiana University, especially in activities and programs that assist other transfer students in making a successful academic and social transition to Indiana University Bloomington.
SECTION 3. The Indiana University Bloomington local chapter of Tau Sigma shall be affiliated with Tau Sigma National Honor Society. The rules and regulations of the national Constitution shall be followed when not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of Indiana University Bloomington. When inconsistencies are present, this organization shall adhere to the rules and regulations of Indiana University Bloomington.
SECTION 1. Membership is limited to qualified transfer students who have met the criteria determined by the Tau Sigma National Honor Society Headquarters, which includes:
- The student must transfer to Indiana University Bloomington from another academic institution with at least one full year of academic credits satisfied at the prior institution(s).
- The student must be registered in a course of study leading to a bachelor's degree for an amount of work equal to an average full load (usually 12 to 15 hours). Questions regarding eligibility arising from exceptional circumstances affecting an individual student must be referred to the National Headquarters for a decision.
- Membership in the Organization shall be based upon superior academic achievement by students during their first term at Indiana University Bloomington (only credit hours that count toward a bachelor's degree can be used to determine Tau Sigma eligibility).
- The minimum academic average required for membership is either a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent thereof) or an academic average that places the prospective candidate in the top 20% of all incoming transfer students during the term in question. These requirements are not subject to reduction by an individual chapter (qualifications using unconventional grading systems shall be approved by the National Council.) The Indiana University Bloomington local chapter of Tau Sigma can petition to the National Council to raise the minimum academic average required for membership in their chapter.
- Academic eligibility shall be obtained on the grades of one full curricular period, i.e., semester, trimester, quarter, or term. Eligibility is limited to the first term of enrollment at Indiana University Bloomington. Summer school session equivalent to a full curricular period may be used to meet the academic requirement.
- Questions of interpretation or adjustments pertaining to eligibility should be referred to the National Headquarters.
SECTION 2. A student must accept his/her membership invitation to join Tau Sigma by the deadline on his/her letter of invitation and pay membership dues in order to become an official member of the IUB chapter of the society. Students who meet the eligibility requirements but miss the invitation deadline are not eligible to reapply for membership at a later time.
SECTION 3. No academic credit shall be offered for participation and/or membership in this organization.
SECTION 4. Voting members of Tau Sigma shall consist of all members who:
- Have paid the required lifetime dues in acceptance of membership.
- Have fulfilled the attendance requirements as specified in the bylaws.
SECTION 5. Non-student members and non-members will be allowed to participate in all of the organization’s activities, but will not be voting members or elected or appointed officers of the organization. A non-student is someone who is not currently enrolled at Indiana University. A non-member is someone who was not inducted to Tau Sigma.
- Non-students cannot vote on the following matters:
- Election or removal of officers.
- Removal of members.
- Amendments to the constitution or bylaws.
- Financial matters.
SECTION 6. The removal of a member may be justified by the following criteria:
- Violation of University Policy.
- Violation of the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
- Non-payment of dues.
SECTION 7. A member may be removed by the following process:
- A petition to remove the member should be submitted to the President. Such a petition must contain the signatures of at least 10% of the voting members. When such a petition is received, the President shall call a meeting of the organization to decide upon removal.
- The grounds for removal are to be presented by the President at a regular or special meeting of the organization.
- The member in question shall be provided two weeks to present a defense either in person or in writing.
- Voting is not to occur sooner than one week after the presentation of the grounds and defense have been made. In order for a vote for removal to take place, at least 10% of the voting members must be present, and a simple majority vote of the members present at that meeting is required for removal.
SECTION 8. Members may appeal their removal by the following guidelines:
- Members may appeal their removal, but the appeal must be made within two weeks of the vote for removal by requesting the President to call a special meeting of the organization. The President shall notify all members of this meeting, which is to occur at least one week and not more than one month after the appeal request is received by the President.
- The decision to repeal the vote for removal shall require at least 10% of the voting members to be present, and a simple majority vote of the members present at the special meeting.
SECTION 1: The IUB Tau Sigma chapter will be governed by a student executive committee consisting of at least four members: a President, Vice President, Secretary, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, and Event Manager. These members are responsible to the entire membership to uphold this constitution.
SECTION 2: The Executive Committee has the power to appoint chairs of special committees (see Article VIII) to join the Executive Committee for an appointed period of time.
SECTION 3: The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month to organize and plan activities and agenda items for members-at-large meetings.
SECTION 4. Duties of the officers:
- The President shall be the principal executive officer and shall have the following duties:
- To preside at all meetings of the organization.
- To prepare the agenda for all officer and chapter meetings.
- To call special meetings of the organization, when required.
- To prepare and file any report required by the University.
- To be one of the three signers on financial documents.
- To ensure all officers are performing their duties as defined in the Constitution.
- To assign special projects to officers.
- To serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
- To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming President prior to giving up the office.
- To perform other duties as specified in the bylaws.
- To re-register Tau Sigma IUB Chapter every year with Student Involvement and Leadership Center through beINvolved.
- To design the organization's overall mission, values, and strategic goals.
- The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence or vacancy of the President. In addition, the Vice President shall have the following duties:
- To assume the duties of the President (until a special election can be held) in the event of a vacancy in the office.
- To assist the President in his/her duties
- To keep accurate records of all meetings in the absence of the Secretary.
- To serve on the Executive Committee.
- To be responsible for any special projects with which the organization is involved.
- To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws.
- To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Vice President prior to giving up the office.
- To re-register Tau Sigma IUB Chapter if the president is unable.
- To assist the President and the board of directors to design the organization's overall mission, values, and strategic goals.
- The Secretary shall have the following duties:
- To keep a record of all members of the organization and their contact information.
- To keep a record of all activities of the organization.
- To keep a record of attendance at all meetings and functions.
- To keep and distribute minutes of each meeting of the organization.
- To notify all members of meetings and set up meetings.
- To handle all official correspondence of the organization.
- To prepare the ballots for elections.
- To keep a copy of the Constitution and bylaws available for members of the organization.
- To serve on the Executive Committee.
- To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws.
- To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Secretary prior to giving up the office.
- To assist in the process of re-registration every year.
- The Marketing and Communications Coordinator shall have the following duties:
- To designs marketing and promotional materials for the organization
- To assist in the development and implementation of the organization's brand strategy
- To prepare marketing activity reports and metrics for measuring program success
- To further knowledge and education regularly through workshops, research, and seminars, and share best practices, and local marketing ideas and tactics with the team
- To support the maintenance and development of internal tools, including a credentials database, tracking capability, global contact directory, and intranet sites
- To provide market research, forecasts, competitive analyses, campaign results, and student trends
- To become familiar with University marketing procedures and policies.
- To serve on the Executive Committee.
- To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws.
- To develop and manage all internal communication systems including but not limited to social media platform.
- To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Marketing and Communications Coordinator prior to giving up the office.
- The Event Manager shall have the following duties:
- To plan event from start to finish according to requirements, target audience and objectives.
- To come up with suggestions to enhance the event's success.
- To prepare budgets and ensure adherence while also coordinate all operations.
- To lead promotional activities for the event and approve all aspects before the day of the event.
- To understand members' needs and wants and requirements and details of each event.
- To conduct short- and long-term planning and management for events.
- To serve on the Executive Committee.
- To perform other duties as assigned by the President or as specified in the bylaws.
- To prepare and maintain a manual/binder related to the office and to review all materials in the transition of the incoming Event Manager prior to giving up the office.
SECTION 5. Qualification for holding office:
- The candidate must be a student member of the organization.
- The candidate must have held membership in the organization for at least one semester.
- The candidate must have paid the required dues.
- The candidate must have attended at least 50% of all chapter meetings, events, and activities between the start of his/her membership and the time of elections.
SECTION 6. Officer Elections:
- The officers of the organization shall be elected for a term of one year.
- There will be a restriction of two consecutive terms of office which may be held by an individual.
- Elections will be held at the annual spring meeting after membership eligibility is established.
- Election to office will be by simple majority vote of the members present and shall take place by secret ballot.
- A nomination committee appointed by the President shall tender nominations at the annual spring meeting. Nominations shall also be received from the floor.
- Officers cannot reappoint themselves for a second term. They must be nominated as described.
SECTION 7. Voting
- Only current fee-paying members of the organization may vote.
- Votes shall be counted by an advisor or someone appointed by the advisor.
- In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding ballot.
- If an office other than Vice President remains unfilled, the President and Vice President may appoint an individual after consultation with the Executive Committee.
- Honorary members may not vote.
SECTION 8. Vacancy of an office:
- In the event of a vacancy in an office other than the President before the expiration of a full term, a special election shall be called by the President within one month to fill the vacancy.
- The newly elected officer’s term shall end at the annual spring meeting.
- The newly elected officer can be re-elected for a second full term to the position they filled.
SECTION 9. In the event that an officer no longer wishes to continue to serve the organization in his/her elected office, the officer must submit his/her resignation at least two weeks in advance. Prior to the officer’s final day, he/she shall provide all documents relating to the organization and review with his/her replacement the duties and responsibilities of the office and also any projects that he/she was in charge of at the time of resignation.
SECTION 10. Removal of officers:
- Ground for removal of an officer include:
- Violation of University policy.
- Violation of the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
- Failure to perform the duties of the office as set forth in the constitution and bylaws of the organization.
- Failure to uphold the provisions of this constitution and bylaws.
- An officer may be removed by the following process:
- A petition to remove the officer in question must be submitted to another officer.
- Such a petition must contain the signatures of 10% of the voting members of the organization. When such a petition is received, the officer shall call a meeting of the organization to decide upon removal.
- The grounds for removal are to be presented by the officer in charge at a regular or special meeting of the organization. The officer in question shall be provided two weeks to present a defense either in person or writing.
- Voting is not to occur sooner than one week after the presentation of the grounds and defense have been made. In order for a vote for removal to take place, at least 10% of the voting membership must attend the meeting, and a simple majority vote of the members present at that meeting is required for removal.
SECTION 11. Appeal of removal of an officer:
- An officer may appeal his/her removal, but such appeal must be made within two weeks of the vote for removal by requesting a special appeal meeting of the organization. The President, or Vice President if the President is the officer being removed, shall notify all members of this meeting which is not to occur less than one week and not more than one month after the appeal request is received.
- The decision to repeal the vote for removal shall require at least 10% of the voting membership to attend the meeting, and a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting.
SECTION 12. All changes in officers or mailing addresses shall be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Organizations within two weeks of such a change.
SECTION 1. Advisor Selection:
- The Advisor to this organization must be a member of the USO faculty or staff.
- The organization Advisor shall usually be someone from the Office of Orientation & Enrollment Programs (fye). However, this can change. The Advisor serves until it is determined that they can no longer contribute to Tau Sigma, or there are changes within the fye offices.
SECTION 2. Role of an Advisor:
- The Advisor shall perform all duties and responsibilities as defined by the Tau Sigma National Headquarters, including:
- Being familiar with the Tau Sigma officer responsibilities and the Tau Sigma constitution and being able to monitor the chapter to make sure that it is operating in compliance with the constitution and the bylaws of the organization.
- Meeting with the officers on a regular basis, helping them develop their calendar and budget and helping them to plan for induction ceremonies and any other scheduled events.
- Signing all national forms and verifying that the information provided on the forms is accurate.
- The Advisor must co-sign all financial transactions of the organization.
- The Advisor shall regularly review the financial records of the organization and forward mailings to the appropriate officer.
- The Advisor shall be responsible for requesting a list of qualified potential Tau Sigma members from Indiana University Office of the Registrar at the end of the fall and spring semesters and communicating with Tau Sigma National Headquarters to update member information.
- The Advisor shall assist the officers and the members in accomplishing the purpose of this organization.
SECTION 1. Meetings:
- Member meetings of the organization shall be called by the President at least once a month during the academic year.
- A member meeting in the spring is mandatory for the purposes of election of officers and the conduction of new business.
- Meetings for committees and sub-committees shall be called at the discretion of the chair of the committee.
- Member meetings for the purpose of instruction, practice, or other activities shall be held upon one week notice to the members with the use of social media and emails to all the members.
SECTION 2. Special Meetings:
- Special meetings may be called by the President upon one week notice to the members.
- The President shall call a special meeting when requested by 10% of the voting membership.
SECTION 3. Events
- The Executive Committee must come up with safety guideline/liability waivers for any event that is determined to potentially have a physical risk factor for the members involved.
- If any special event, such as a social, with members that will be participating in physical activities, the members must agree to follow the guidelines that are set by the Executive Committee for that event.
SECTION 1. The President shall have the authority to appoint any special committees, with the approval of the Executive Committee, as well as meet the needs of the organization.
SECTION 2. These committees may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Special Events Committee
- The Special Events Committee shall be in charge of planning, facilitating and evaluating each social event and community service activity.
- The Special Events Committee shall elect a member of the committee to serve as the Special Events Chair. The Chair of the Special Events Committee shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Induction/Reception Committee
- The Induction/Reception Committee shall be in charge of planning the organization’s Induction Ceremony, which is normally held in the spring, along with the reception that accompanies the ceremony.
- The Induction/Reception Committee shall elect a member of the committee to serve as the Induction/Reception Chair. The Chair of the Induction/Reception Committee shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Nomination Committee
- The Nomination Committee shall be in charge of tendering nominations for the yearly election of officers. These nominations will be presented at the annual Spring meeting.
- The Nomination Committee shall elect a member of the committee to serve as the Nomination Committee Chair. The Chair of the Nomination Committee shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 1. University Student Organization Account:
- Tau Sigma chapter at Indiana University-Bloomington is a University Student Organization (USO). The Office of Orientation & Enrollment Programs (fye) is the supporting campus office for this organization.
- All funds from University sources must be deposited and maintained through fye.
- Tau Sigma is primarily funded by membership fees that is deposited into their account through fye.
- The President and one other executive officer must work with the USO Advisor and the business manager of fye to coordinate the use of Tau Sigma funds.
- The USO Advisor of the organization must approve all financial transactions of the organization.
- The financial records of an USO account may be audited within the regular financial procedures of fye.
- At the discretion of the National Office of Tau Sigma National Honor Society, they may request financial records for auditing purposes.
SECTION 2. Membership Dues:
- One-time membership dues for Tau Sigma shall be submitted to the National Office upon acceptance of membership to the Organization in accordance to the stated deadline in a member’s letter of invitation.
- One-time Tau Sigma membership dues shall be distributed between the National Tau Sigma Office and the local IUB chapter.
- The suggested amount for one-time Tau Sigma membership dues is $50. This amount can be changed each year.
- Of the one-time Tau Sigma membership dues, the Tau Sigma National Honor Society, to the local chapter, and towards mailing costs.
- One-time local dues for this organization shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the voting membership at the annual Spring meeting.
- The local IUB chapter of Tau Sigma may vote to increase local dues.
- Total membership dues cannot exceed without special permission from the Executive Director of Tau Sigma National Honor Society.
SECTION 3. Funding Allocation:
- The Tau Sigma IUB chapter will clearly outline in its program proposals the amount of funding requested, the source(s) of the funding, and the intended purpose of the funds received.
- If the Organization secures funds for a program from multiple sources, it will establish the specific ways each source’s funds will be used for the program.
SECTION 1. Provisions for bylaws:
- The organization may approve bylaws for the specific operation of the organization.
- No bylaw shall be adopted that is contrary to the provisions of this constitution.
SECTION 2. Vote required:
- The organization may adopt, amend or rescind any bylaw by a vote. For a vote to take place, at least 10% of the voting members must be present, and a simple majority vote of the members present at that meeting is required for removal.
- Any proposed bylaw must be publicized to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it is going to be voted upon.
SECTION 1. Ratification:
- A proposed amendment to this constitution shall be presented to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which the vote shall be held.
- Ratification of an amendment to this constitution shall require a simple majority vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled business meeting of the organization.
SECTION 1. Statement of University Compliance: This organization shall comply with all Indiana University regulations, and local, state, and federal laws.
SECTION2. Anti-Hazing Policy: Hazing is strictly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person's consent or lack of consent.
SECTION 3. Personal Gain Clause: This organization, if raising funds, shall ethically raise and distribute profits from organizational functions to either the organization or to members who provide a service that directly benefits the organization. Individual members may not receive compensation directly from for-profit companies if acting as a representative of a student organization.
SECTION 4. Statement of Non-Discrimination: The members of Tau Sigma shall be those persons who have met eligibility requirements and have accepted membership into the Organization. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or military or veteran status in the acceptance of individual members.