Your Hoosier Experience spans your time at Indiana University. The Office of Orientation & Enrollment Programs (OEP) will help you to make the most of your IU experience by introducing you to the many activities, programs, and resources on campus that can add depth to your learning and connect you to your Hoosier community. Engage with your Canvas module as you explore events, learn about resources, connect to opportunities, and build the foundation of your Hoosier Experience.
Make the most of your Hoosier Experience!
Description of the video:
[Upbeat music plays]
[Video shows an aerial view of an oval-shaped fountain with a statue of Venus surrounded by five fish, the Showalter Fountain on the IU Bloomington campus. Students sit on the edge of the fountain with their feet in the water. A logo appears showing an award ribbon with a check mark inside beside the words Hoosier Experience. The video zooms out to show the fountain surrounded by landscaped paths, flowers, trees, and a roadway.]
[Video cuts to a group of four students walking together. They are surrounded by trees in fall colors. Video then cuts to another aerial view with the fountain at the center, surrounded by limestone buildings. It is an aerial view of Seventh Street centered around Fine Arts Plaza on the IU Bloomington campus. The sun is shining and tents and chairs are set up for an event.]
[Video cuts quickly between clips: A group of students in the bleachers at Indiana Memorial Stadium, wearing cream and crimson clothing and face paint, cheering while waving white inflatable sticks with the IU trident and the words Indiana University; Students in conversation at a tabling event; a close-up of banners hanging on a limestone building at the IU Cinema, which then pans down to show two students walking up the stairs to the entrance; Tree students taking a selfie in front of Showalter Fountain; A group of students posing for a photographer at an on campus event.]
[Video cuts to the interior of a wood-paneled room at the Indiana Memorial Union, where students speak with career fair representatives. Words appear: Academics & Careers.]
[Video cuts to a drummer and keyboard player performing on stage. Words appear: Arts & Humanities. The video zooms out to show a choir singing on stage next to the instrumentalists.]
[Video cuts to a Chinese New Year Celebration outside an academic building, where students are parading a brightly colored dragon puppet. Words appear: Equity & Inclusion. Video cuts clips of: The exterior of the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, where two students hold a banner that reads Black Lives Matter, while smiling for a photograph; An interior space where dancers in Native regalia are performing, surrounded by a crowd.]
[Video cuts to the exterior of a limestone academic building, the School of Public Health, during RecFest, focusing on a student balancing on a foam log in an inflatable pool. Words Appear: Health & Wellness. Video cuts to a student climbing a rock tower.]
[Video cuts to show a group of students and guests walking along a landscaped path at New Student Orientation. The sun is shining and a campus bus appears in the background. Words appear: Leadership & Engagement. Video cuts to a view looking up at a circle of students huddled together, cheering and raising their hands in the air. A brightly lit IU trident is centered above. Video cuts to a student Orientation Leader at the center of a group of new students leading an activity. They are outside in a green space with limestone academic buildings in the background.]
[Video cuts to a close up of cheerleaders, the Red Steppers dance team, and members of the Marching Hundred marching band on the field at Indiana Memorial Stadium. They are smiling and cheering. Words appear: Tradition & Community. Video cuts to clips of: Three students in conversation together outdoors; four students dressed in cream and crimson IU gear walking along a path in Dunn’s Woods in the fall; a group of students wearing cream and crimson IU gear and cheering during the Homecoming parade, while waving pom poms and noisemakers.]
[Video quick cuts to close up of a red flag with a white IU trident waving in the wind. The video cuts to a close up of two students in conversation at the fall Student Involvement Fair in Dunn Meadow on the IU Bloomington campus. The students blur in the foreground as the video focuses on a flag in the background that reads Student Involvement Fair.]
[Video cuts to an aerial view of the Cox Arboretum, showing a view of the limestone academic buildings along Tenth Street on the IU Bloomington campus. Cut to a view of the Sample Gates and limestone buildings along Indiana Avenue at Kirkwood Avenue in downtown Bloomington. A white IU trident appears in a red rectangle at the top center of the screen followed by the words: Create your Hoosier Experience.]
[Screen fades to black. The trident appears again at the top center followed by the words: Orientation & Enrollment Programs. F y e dot Indiana dot e d u.]
[End of video]
[End of transcript.]
Upcoming events
How to Create Your Hoosier Experience
Description of the video:
[Upbeat music plays]
[Video shows an aerial view of an oval-shaped fountain with a statue of Venus surrounded by five fish, the Showalter Fountain on the IU Bloomington campus. Students sit on the edge of the fountain with their feet in the water. A logo appears showing an award ribbon with a check mark inside beside the words Hoosier Experience. The video zooms out to show the fountain surrounded by landscaped paths, flowers, trees, and a roadway.]
[Video cuts to a group of four students walking together. They are surrounded by trees in fall colors. Video then cuts to another aerial view with the fountain at the center, surrounded by limestone buildings. It is an aerial view of Seventh Street centered around Fine Arts Plaza on the IU Bloomington campus. The sun is shining and tents and chairs are set up for an event.]
[Video cuts quickly between clips: A group of students in the bleachers at Indiana Memorial Stadium, wearing cream and crimson clothing and face paint, cheering while waving white inflatable sticks with the IU trident and the words Indiana University; Students in conversation at a tabling event; a close-up of banners hanging on a limestone building at the IU Cinema, which then pans down to show two students walking up the stairs to the entrance; Tree students taking a selfie in front of Showalter Fountain; A group of students posing for a photographer at an on campus event.]
[Video cuts to the interior of a wood-paneled room at the Indiana Memorial Union, where students speak with career fair representatives. Words appear: Academics & Careers.]
[Video cuts to a drummer and keyboard player performing on stage. Words appear: Arts & Humanities. The video zooms out to show a choir singing on stage next to the instrumentalists.]
[Video cuts to a Chinese New Year Celebration outside an academic building, where students are parading a brightly colored dragon puppet. Words appear: Equity & Inclusion. Video cuts clips of: The exterior of the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, where two students hold a banner that reads Black Lives Matter, while smiling for a photograph; An interior space where dancers in Native regalia are performing, surrounded by a crowd.]
[Video cuts to the exterior of a limestone academic building, the School of Public Health, during RecFest, focusing on a student balancing on a foam log in an inflatable pool. Words Appear: Health & Wellness. Video cuts to a student climbing a rock tower.]
[Video cuts to show a group of students and guests walking along a landscaped path at New Student Orientation. The sun is shining and a campus bus appears in the background. Words appear: Leadership & Engagement. Video cuts to a view looking up at a circle of students huddled together, cheering and raising their hands in the air. A brightly lit IU trident is centered above. Video cuts to a student Orientation Leader at the center of a group of new students leading an activity. They are outside in a green space with limestone academic buildings in the background.]
[Video cuts to a close up of cheerleaders, the Red Steppers dance team, and members of the Marching Hundred marching band on the field at Indiana Memorial Stadium. They are smiling and cheering. Words appear: Tradition & Community. Video cuts to clips of: Three students in conversation together outdoors; four students dressed in cream and crimson IU gear walking along a path in Dunn’s Woods in the fall; a group of students wearing cream and crimson IU gear and cheering during the Homecoming parade, while waving pom poms and noisemakers.]
[Video quick cuts to close up of a red flag with a white IU trident waving in the wind. The video cuts to a close up of two students in conversation at the fall Student Involvement Fair in Dunn Meadow on the IU Bloomington campus. The students blur in the foreground as the video focuses on a flag in the background that reads Student Involvement Fair.]
[Video cuts to an aerial view of the Cox Arboretum, showing a view of the limestone academic buildings along Tenth Street on the IU Bloomington campus. Cut to a view of the Sample Gates and limestone buildings along Indiana Avenue at Kirkwood Avenue in downtown Bloomington. A white IU trident appears in a red rectangle at the top center of the screen followed by the words: Create your Hoosier Experience.]
[Screen fades to black. The trident appears again at the top center followed by the words: Orientation & Enrollment Programs. F y e dot Indiana dot e d u.]
[End of video]
[End of transcript.]
Build your Hoosier Experience
Your Hoosier Experience will help you become familiar with resources, attend events, get involved and connect to students, faculty, and staff. Your Canvas modules and the IU event calendar will help you find opportunities and helpful information. New information will be released throughout the year to help you build a strong foundation for your Hoosier Experience.
Part of your experience will include exploring Academics and Careers, Arts and Humanities, Equity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Leadership and Engagement, and Tradition and Community. Engage with OEP at events throughout the year to receive IU swag and other incentives. By actively participating you will be eligible for a certificate validating your efforts.
To get started: Follow OEP on social media, check Canvas often, and look for Hoosier Experience designated events in the IU events calendar (accessed easily via IU Mobile).
Explore events and activities in each category
Academics & Careers: You can be anything you want to be. Take advantage of the many opportunities to learn about different majors and careers to begin to plot your next steps.
Arts & Humanities: IU has a myriad of arts and culture venues, performances, and exhibits. Attend a virtual performance, visit a museum virtually or in person, or create your own work to keep the arts as part of your experience.
Equity & Inclusion: Our community is home to many different voices and experiences. Take the time to have conversations, listen to other perspectives, and learn about other ways of being.
Health & Wellness: Your physical and mental health are important. Explore the many resources on campus designed to help you live a balanced and healthy life.
Leadership & Engagement: Getting involved on campus and in the community are important parts of your Hoosier Experience. Participate in student organizations, volunteer in the community, and develop valuable skills.
Tradition & Community: Explore the diverse traditions that link you to past, present, and future Hoosiers. Find the communities that make Indiana University feel like home.