Parents, family, and those important in the lives of students are key to student success. Indiana University understands that. And, while it is true that there are laws and regulations that direct us regarding access to information, we have no intention of leaving you out of the loop. Specific access to student information can be provided by the student; general information, tips, guides, and campus news are easily available to you.
Stay connected with your student during their time at IU
Understanding FERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
Family webinars
Join us for a series of webinars on a variety of topics designed to give you the information you need to help your student during their first year. Each webinar will provide information and time for you to ask questions directly from campus representatives. All webinars will be hosted on Zoom and are in Eastern Time. Review descriptions below and register today.
March 4, 4–5 p.m.: Student Engagement Opportunities
Spring semester provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their first year experience and begin making plans for the second year. Learn from representatives from Career Services, Education Abroad, Student Involvement and Leadership and Engaged Learning about opportunities for students to explore in their second year.
Presenters: Lisa Hamilton, Associate Director, Exploratory Career Coaching, Career Exploration & Student Employment; Amanda Roshan-Rawaan, Senior Associate Director, Education Abroad; Angela Gast, Director of Student Engagement, Office of Undergraduate Education; and Nicky Belle, Associate Director, Student Involvement and Leadership Center
April 15, 4–5 p.m.: Helpful Information for Incoming Families
Have a student joining the Hoosier family in the fall for their first year at Indiana University? Representatives from New Student Orientation, Housing, and Student Life provide helpful information to assist you with supporting your students’ transition to our campus.
Presenter: Melanie Payne, Director, Office of Orientation and Enrollment Programs; Kathy Adams-Riester, Assistant Vice Provost and Dean of Students, Office of Student Life
Past Webinars
September 24, 4–5 p.m.: Supporting your Student's Academic Success
As students transition to college, academics can be stressful. Even the most prepared student can feel caught off guard with the different expectations. Learn about the structure of IU academics, advising and registration timelines, tips for working with an advisor, and academic support resources so you can confidently support and coach your student through this transition.
Presenters: Anthony Guest-Scott, Academic Coordinator, Student Academic Center; Leslie Robinson, Director, Academic Support Center; and Dan Turner, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Executive Director of Academic Advising
October 8, 4–5 p.m.: Housing Options for Second Year
Get a head start on thinking about housing for your student’s second year, from on-campus options to info on tenants’ rights and responsibilities when renting off-campus, what to look for in a lease, and legal services provided to IU students. Listen to our panel of experts, including representatives from IU Housing, Student Legal Services, and the City of Bloomington.
Presenters: Jocelyn Maul, Director for Housing Operations and Assignments; Stacee Williams, Director, Student Legal Services, Attorney at Law; and Angela Van Rooy, Neighborhood Services Program Manager, Housing and Neighborhood Development, City of Bloomington
November 19: Making Connections
The transition to college is an exciting and sometimes stressful time for students. The first year is a time when students build connections, get familiar with campus and its resources, and establish their academic habits. For some students, making connections proves to be a challenge. Hear from staff in Student Life about supporting students as they work to create their network of friends and support.
Presenters: Vicka Bell-Robinson, Associate Vice Provost for Involvement and Belonging, Office of Student Life; and Sara Ivey Lucas, Director for Residence Life, Assistant Dean of Students
December 11: Business Majors Outside the Business School
Learn about business-focused majors across the IU campus and how Kelley minors and certificates can support students' interests. You'll hear about the pre-business student journey and what options are available for students to create a successful business career, regardless of their major!
Presenters: Megan Ray, Director of Kelley Campus Partnerships
February 11: Business Majors Outside the Business School
Learn about business-focused majors across the IU Bloomington campus and how Kelley minors and certificates can support students’ interests. You’ll hear about the pre-business student journey and what options are available for students to create a successful business career, regardless of their major!
Presenters: Megan Ray, Director of Kelley Campus Partnerships, Kelley School of Business